The Best of ZS

Odpouštím vám jeden hřích Farewell to bad timesI forgive you one sinIt’s enough to drive you crazyAby se z tebe jeden nezbláznilSbohem nežádoucím časůmRapsodie v pruhovaném - NedokončenáRožmitálské miniaturky – Příběhy z dob nedávno minulýchAnděl v pekleSvětlanu by chtěl každýJoy till DeathAn Angel in HellHumour at its BestThe Times They Are Changing - It could be even worseWhat Comes NaturallyZ pout na pouť ke štěstíBerry Bokr aneb Čerstvé kozy denně na trhGatě dolů, madam!I v rakvi na míru se dá otáčetRadost až do smrtiTrombonista a královnin zadeček


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It’s enough to drive you crazy

It’s enough to drive you crazy
Title:It’s enough to drive you crazy
Author:Zsolt Staník

Ilustrations and cover:Zdeněk Netopil
Editor:Felicity Jordan
Graphical layout and typeset:Peter Rendek
Publisher:Zsolt Staník, Prague
First published:2017
Mobi: 978.80-88138-06-8
PDF: 978-80-88138-07-5

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About the book

A poignant farce about the up and downs of the lives of Mr. &Mrs. Ann Tony Wilson in their retirement years. Married for many years, two contrasting types battling with how to adjust to their new life without their individual professional interests.

While Tony adjusts easily to his new deserved retirement leaving behind his old working life and habits as a top economist, Ann cannot get to grips with it at all. As a doctor, geriatrician, her longstanding professional effort and dedication in helping older people to overcome problems including delaying the onset of senility and sclerosis doesn’t leave her even after the retirement. Losing the job in the hospital, her attention is turned to the one closest to her. That is her husband, Tony. Although not suffering from any geriatric disease he has to resist continuous pressure from his wife. Despite his reluctance and resistance, she tries to disturb his peace and forces him into actions which could prevent or delay the onset of his senility or other maladies. Tony soon realizes that the best way to deal with her efforts is to agree to her demand and therefore keep his own peace of mind. He is smart enough to know how to easily escape all her attempts to scramble his brain.

Based on this story, gradually more characters begin to enter the scene. Daughter Suzanne and her children, neighbours Brian Holmes and his wife Sara, mayor and later exmayor Timothy Taylor, the protagonist of the Organization for Spreading Good News, Christopher Jones, Tony’s former classmate from the university Martin Myers, George Spencer who has incurable senility. Gradually in the dark past of these seemingly honest and honourable citizens which is namely infidelity starts to be revealed. There are completely unexpected, even absurd situations, during which it transpires that none of them are holy, that many partners live in deceit and lies and that there is nothing to blame each other for.

This story, although seemingly crazy, uncovers a number of weaknesses, of which many people during their lifetime are subjected to and for which many are unable for years, or sometimes never, to deal with honestly.