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Odpouštím vám jeden hřích (I Forgive You One Sin)

Odpouštím vám jeden hřích
Title:Odpouštím vám jeden hřích
(I Forgive You One Sin)
Author:Zsolt Staník

Ilustrations and cover:Zdeněk Netopil
Graphical layout and typeset:Peter Rendek
Publisher:Zsolt Staník, Prague
First published:2018
ISBN:ePub: 978-80-88138-10-5
Mobi: 978-80-88138-08-2
PDF: 978-80-88138-09-9

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About the book

The book ‘Odpouštím vám jeden hřích‘ (I Forgive You One Sin’) contains 23 short stories grouped into the following groups: ‘I forgive you one sin’, ‚A late delivered letter’, ‘As we see it…’, and Sorry, sorry, master…’.

The first part contains 10 stories, ten contemplations of passengers in an airplane during fictitious flight on various situations in their lives, when their actions were not always honest and when deceitful intentions, undignified behaviour towards a loved one, and rampant, sometimes perverse thoughts prevailed.

The element that links these stories together are problems with the aircraft’s landing gear during the descent and a priest who attempts to put the passengers’ soul at ease in this grave situation by proclaiming that, in the name of Providence, he is authorized to forgive each passenger one sin of their choice.

What, then, is the sin each passenger would like to have forgiven?

‘A late delivered letter’ gives possible examples of what could cause an undelivered letter in a parcel found after 25 years. At a time when the Internet was not even in its infancy, the idea of communicating via e-mail may have been imagined by a few individuals, and the letter post was, in addition to the telephone, one of the most reliable means of connecting people between continents.

With one exception, in the section ‘As we see it’, they were given the chance to tell about their immediate surroundings objects that we consider inanimate, or at least so we call them. And can't it be a little different? What if they have their speech, their feelings that we humans don't understand. Let's try to deliberately imagine what they could say about us, our actions, attitudes, personal lives, etc.

In the four short stories under 'Sorry, sorry, master', the author, an admirer of Alfred Hitchcock and his stories, tries to evoke the sometimes mysterious atmosphere associated with a murder or an attempted murder.